Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Feet Of A Deer

19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights. - Habakkuk 3:19

I've never been a fan of heights, in fact I cried a little when I had to climb up and down a scaffoldtine to white wash a gigantic box for the projector in the "Riverotherside" building. The thing was only like 9 feet high. So when asked to plan a highschool girls' retreat naturally I replied, "dude lets climb Enchanted Rock!"...

I didn't even take into account that one of the girls going was resigned to a wheel chair. I pretty much thought I had struck out every time I thought about the trip...all the way up until we took a look down the face of the rock and told our wheel chaired Eve to check out the "mountain" she had just climbed.

They call it a rock, but it became very clear on the summit...that we had just climbed a mountain..

We took turns in groups of three carrying her + the chair up the rock. Periodically (like every ten minutes for me) trading off people. All along the way people gazed at us in amazement, with their packs and walking sticks...their Dalmations and Golden Retrievers huffing and puffing, even the beasts looked a little down and out. Meanwhile, we firmly walked...a half-gazel thing going on...we would lightly throw out "feetofadeer'"(mingled together as one word) every twenty minutes along the way.

Three young dudes stopped us not even half-way up and offered to help. The group had passed us earlier. We could'nt believe it, perfect strangers, highschook football players no less! (I've always been extremely critical of H.S. jocks)
After our own little "Sermon on the Mt." we headed back down. Only to be stopped twenty-five minutes later by the jock boys again! They were almost offended that we would head off without them.

On the way back to town our wheel-chaired Eve said something along the lines, "I see things different now"
And I would be lying if I said that I didn't see the world different too.

P.S. I got rid of that fear of heights, it's amazing what you can do when your focus is not on yourself anymore

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